Sunday, January 22, 2017

2nd Quarter Reflections

 2nd Quarter Reflections

Many in this world view the topic of reflection as one where you recall the most positive events that have shaped you for the better, but I view reflection as an unfiltered view into what you have realized about your past, both positive and negative, and that's what I would like this blog to be about. An unfiltered, sincere reflection of what has happened this year, what I have realized about the world and other facets of life, and how these could potentially shape the future. For each inquiry addressed in this blog, I will provide you, the reader, with my upmost most honest answer. This means no sugar-coating, no cherry-picking, etc. Enjoy!

In what area do you think you made your biggest improvements in English Language Arts?

 I do not believe I have made an immense amount of improvement this year, for I am still in the process of becoming aware of my greatest weak-points, but there has been multiple smaller difficulties that I have been able to eradicate. One of note is essay formatting. I am aware that I have listed this as a facet of improvement in past Reflections, but it is indeed facing ongoing improvement. Prior to the 2nd Quarter, I hadn't exhibited expertise in formatting whatsoever. My theses were unorganized, my structure was utterly mismatched, and my attention getters either were depicted as "boring", and/or "perpetual". But now that I have undergone vast improvement with the help of guidance, my formatting is much more clear and organized.

What is something you have accomplished since the new year that you are proud of?

In upmost honesty, I have proudly accomplished only an immensely small modicum of note this school year, let alone the Quarter. Pieces of literature I had believed to be rather well-written had been perceived as mediocre at best by my peers and educators. I would often let cockiness get the best of me, which is one of my greatest regrets. But I digress, if I were to pinpoint one accomplishment, this would be my improvement in formatting while writing, as it has made my writing somewhat better.

What has been the most challenging part of 2nd Quarter for you and what did/can you do to help overcome this?

Despite other insecurities/adversities I have faced, One of the most difficult aspects of the quarter is feeling monumentally inferior to my peers in Mrs. Larson's Accelerated Language Arts Class. Being unintelligent had been something rather difficult to accept this year, and being placed in a class of students whom do possess intelligence had been quite a drain on my self-esteem. I would often leave class distraught, as I witnessed my intelligent peers excel in their work, while I would have had nothing to offer the class. I still struggle with this to this day, which is why I have been devising ways to aviod letting my lack of intelligence deter me from progressing in school.

What have you learned about the world? 

One of the main lessons I have learned about the world is that not everyone is born with conventional intelligence. We will often brand others as being conventionally "unintelligent" or "idiotic", despite the possibility that we could qualify for one of these labels. While a very small percent of the general population would be considered "unintelligent" by conventional standards, people who indentify as belonging to this minority, such as I, will often feel as if we could never succeed, which is simply untrue. Success is measured in your determination, drive, and persistence, and really anyone could possess these qualities.

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