Friday, March 31, 2017

3rd Quarter Reflections

3rd Quarter Reflections

In what area do you think you made your biggest improvements in English Language Arts? 

Despite what I wish to say, this Quarter has been rather unsuccessful for me. My productivity and many of my grades have dropped severely, not only in Accelerated Language Arts, but in a variety of classes. In light of this, I cannot place my finger on too many areas that I have significantly improved in, except for one area. Being honest to yourself. While this isn't necessarily pertaining to English Language Arts, it has definitely contributed in what I plan to accomplish in the 4th Quarter. Prior to now, I was in denial. I couldn't come to the reality of my grades dropping. I thought I was infallible, but that was anything but the truth. Sooner or later, I knew I had to come to terms with the sharp decrease in stellar grades, and this is still a lesson I pride on carrying all the way through the rest of the year.

What is something you have accomplished this quarter that you are proud of?

In the 3rd Quarter, one thing I accomplished that I was particularly proud of was becoming comfortable with inquiring and asking questions. In previous years, I have been quite timid, and I feared my peers would perceive me as an idiot for simply asking questions. I feared what the teacher would think as well. But now, after encouragement from family, I have become more open about my inquiries. This newfound comfort has also given me a better understanding of the curriculum.

What has been the most challenging part of 3rd Quarter for you and what did/can you do to help overcome this?

The most challenging aspect of the 3rd Quarter was, like mentioned earlier, coming to terms with the drastic grade drops I experienced. Due to my history with stellar grades, I felt invincible in the past quarter. I believe my streak would persist, and that I could do no wrong. This contributed to me putting significantly less effort into my work, which obviously caused my grades to drop. This became hard for me to accept. A student in Accelerated classes receiving 2s? Impossible. Eventually, as the grades kept piling, I came to terms with this. I plan to improve these grades by being more diligent with work and paying great attention to them.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

3/16 Argumentative AoW Reflections

Argumentative AoW Reflections

Today, my peers and I had the oppurtunity to explore each individual student's "Article of the Week". While the articles were abundant in diversity, with articles varying from Education to Health, each one revolved around the same format: argumentative. While some were presented by the same author, and others collaborative efforts, I, as well as many others, were able to extract at least some amount of intriguing information from every argument. This information will be the focus of my blog.

Despite the fascinating nature of each and every argument I visited, I found the "Is College Worth It?" article the most hard-hitting. This article, written by one singular author, presents an argument against paying College Tuition, stating that due to low graduation rates and somewhat low student incomes, College is simply not worth the hefty fines of attending. I found this article to the most crucial due to the urgency of demand there is for it. Every single day, at least one hundred high school Seniors conjure up an idea of what college they would like to attend, or even if they should attend college at all. In light of this, many students have a need for such an article in helping them decide which direction they would like to go in, while other crises, such as GMO utilization and Self-Driving Cars have little to no urgent need.

Another reason this article was very hard-hitting to me was due to it's role that it plays in my life as well. Despite my young age, I have debated college on multiple occasions. Whether it be the location of the college or the method of application, it will waltz into my brain quite often. This article has provided me with a new viewpoint to see from. I can now debate college more productively, as I can factor in the opinions adopted from this article into my analyses, making for wiser future decisions.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Night by Elie Wiesel


It is no secret that the memoir Night, published in 1960, is abundant in themes that the reader can empathize with and even learn from. From Elie struggling to maintain his faith, to his relationship between himself and his father, it is apparent that we as readers are easily able to take into consideration Elie's issues and compare them to ours and potentially improve our current situations that pertain to this. But there is one other person who becomes a new soul after experiencing these situations. Elie. Throughout the memoir, Wiesel expresses ideas in which could be attributed to lessons he has learned. He following is a list of events that have shaped Eliezer for the better.

One event that Eliezer experiences that has shaped him tremendously throughout Night is him realizing how close knit he should remain to his father. There are a variety of different quotes that support this, but one of which I found to be a rather phenomenal example of this. After the passing of his Father, Elie states the extent of how much it affected him, stating that "nothing could touch me anymore" (107).  This quote demonstrates Elie’s emotional change due to his depiction of how terribly he felt towards his Father’s passing, which he had expressed very rarely prior. It can be inferred that because of this, Elie has faced the realization of how crucial their bond was.

This hadn't been the only instance of Eliezer expressing the importance of building tight-knit relationships. Another quote that illustrates this is one found later in the memoir, yet it rings very meaningful to most. Dealing with feelings of fear and hopelessness, Elie grasps for the one person he loves most. His father stating that "I tightened my grip on my father's hand. The old, familiar fear: not to lose him." (104). This quote illustrates Elie’s development due to his clear dependence on his father. In the past, Elie has been shown to be a very strong boy, but due to his close contact with his Father, we can infer that he has strengthened his bond with him due to their horrifying situation.

The second realization that Elie had come to with development is the value of sharing your experiences with others, despite social norms. One quote that exhibits this was one found in a rather early part of the memoir. After Josef Mengele’s selection, the Bockalteste was confronted by someone who disagreed with his words, infuriating him, which is demonstrated by the quote “The Blockalteste vented his anger. Someone refused to take his word?” (73). This quote demonstrates Elie’s objection to Silence due to his immense sarcasm when depicting the Blockalteste’s anger. Because of his attitude, it is apparent that he finds his anger overly exaggerated, and possibly wrong. We can also infer that he finds the prisoner’s lack of silence to be rather endearing.

Much like our last lesson, lack of Silence is not only supported by one sole quote. Our last quote that supports this statement is one that can be found in Chapter 6 of Night.
In this section of the book, Eliezer states that "We could again hear the cannons very close by. But we no longer had the strength or the courage to think that Germans would run out of time, that the Russians would reach us before we could be evacuated.” (95). This quote demonstrates Elie’s lack of silence not towards his fellow prisoners in this situation, but more so his lack of silence towards the reader. Due to Elie sharing such intimate details of the prisoners thoughts and feelings that he would not of shared otherwise, it is apparent that he has developed into a much more courageous and fearless man since this experience.

Wiesel, Elie. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

"On A Sunny Evening" Butterfly Poem

"On A Sunny Evening"

On a purple, sun-shot evening
Under wide-flowering chestnut trees
Upon the threshold full of dust
Yesterday, today, and the days are all like these.

Trees flower forth their beauty,
Lovely, too, their very wood all gnarled and old
That I am half afraid to peer
Into thier crowns of green and gold.

The sun has made a veil of gold
So lovely that my body aches.
Above, the heavens shriek with blue
Convinced, I've smiled by some mistake.
The world's abloom and seems to smile.

I want to fly, but where, how high?
If in barbed wire things can bloom
Why couldn't  I? I will not die!