Tuesday, November 1, 2016

"But Charles Was Smiling" by Melanie Albanese (Veteran's Day Poem)

"But Charles Was Smiling"

As I sit silent along the wall,
stationed by fellow classmates awaiting the principal's speech
I see a trail of veterans walk through the door.

Some are fathers, some are mothers,
some are parents, some are grandparents
Some are young, some are old,
But one is spotted in the corner of my eye.

It is my friend's grandfather, Charles and his smiling face entering the gym.
He is clad in the uniform representing his military service.
He also was sporting combat boots.
But how is it that he stood out to me?

I tried to wave to him, but I don't think he could've seen me.
I was to his right, where his eyepatch was placed.
I tried to call him as softly, yet noticeably.
I don't know if heard me over the noise of his crutches.

Many would mourn day after day for the return of their eyesight.
Many would pray for the ability to walk again.
But Charles was smiling. 
Charles was joyous and ecstatic for the assembly and I needed to know why.

I asked my teacher if I can approach him and she agreed.
Once I had reached him, I asked him the question on my mind.
He chuckled a bit and responded.

"A young one like you would find it hard to comprehend, I know I did.
I never thought I would get into the army until I reached 18.
I knew I wanted to serve others, and the military seemed quite fitting,
so I applied, and it was worth it. Of course I have undergone some.....mishaps,
but I always remember how rewarding it was to serve. To know that I had the potential to save a life.
That's why I wear this smile."

I walked away in deep thought that day.
Now, each Veterans Day, I remember Charles words.
They ring clearer than spring water each year,
and as I am in the process of finishing my enlistment,
I shall never forget.

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