Thursday, March 16, 2017

3/16 Argumentative AoW Reflections

Argumentative AoW Reflections

Today, my peers and I had the oppurtunity to explore each individual student's "Article of the Week". While the articles were abundant in diversity, with articles varying from Education to Health, each one revolved around the same format: argumentative. While some were presented by the same author, and others collaborative efforts, I, as well as many others, were able to extract at least some amount of intriguing information from every argument. This information will be the focus of my blog.

Despite the fascinating nature of each and every argument I visited, I found the "Is College Worth It?" article the most hard-hitting. This article, written by one singular author, presents an argument against paying College Tuition, stating that due to low graduation rates and somewhat low student incomes, College is simply not worth the hefty fines of attending. I found this article to the most crucial due to the urgency of demand there is for it. Every single day, at least one hundred high school Seniors conjure up an idea of what college they would like to attend, or even if they should attend college at all. In light of this, many students have a need for such an article in helping them decide which direction they would like to go in, while other crises, such as GMO utilization and Self-Driving Cars have little to no urgent need.

Another reason this article was very hard-hitting to me was due to it's role that it plays in my life as well. Despite my young age, I have debated college on multiple occasions. Whether it be the location of the college or the method of application, it will waltz into my brain quite often. This article has provided me with a new viewpoint to see from. I can now debate college more productively, as I can factor in the opinions adopted from this article into my analyses, making for wiser future decisions.

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